


最近、物を整理している時、いつも「身は是れ菩提樹、心は明鏡の台のごとし。時時に勤めて払拭して、塵埃に染さしむること莫れ。」という偈を心に浮かび上がり、ますますその意味ができるようになりました。私は到底凡人ですから、この世界に存在しているので、「本来無一物 何れの處にか塵埃を惹かんと」を実現するのは非常に難しいです。




Lately, when I am cleaning my belongings, a verse always comes to mind: “The body is the Bodhi tree, the mind is like a clear mirror stand. Time after time, diligently wipe it clean and do not let it be stained with dust. ” Its meaning seem even more apparent to me. As an ordinary person existing in this world, it is very difficult to practice another verse “When not a thing ever really mattered, where could dust have gathered and lain?”

As I wipe away the accumulated dust over time, I have come to a realization. It is not only our environment but also our own body, mind and virtues that inadvertently become filthy if we neglect to take proper care and organize. However, human tend to be lazy, paranoid and blinded. That is why it is necessary to be perceptive, harmonious, and self-disciplined. Perhaps, it is importance of daily practice and cultivation.


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