最近、私は中国古代の歴史を読んでいます(柏楊版の『資治通鑑』)。先週、文帝 (漢)の遺詔を読みました。感服しました。趣旨は生死は自然なことだということです。
文帝 (漢)の時期は「黄老思想」を主としていて、無為清静の政術として、単純簡素な政治を行いました。そして、武帝の時代、儒教を尊重して、その後千年間に儒教による積極的な政治思想が主流となっていました。しかし、私は黄老思想に興味があります。もしかして、その消極的(ひかえめ)な政治態度は現代の功利を重視過しぎる資本主義の社会に意外な啓発を与えるかもしれません。もっと黄老思想を知りたいです。
Huang-Lao Daoism
Recently, I read ancient Chinese history (Bo Yang’s Version: The Zizhi Tongjian). Last week, I read the posthumous edict of Emperor Wen of Han (202–157 BC), and it filled me with admiration. The main idea of the posthumous edict is as follow. He thought that life and death are part of nature, and evaluated himself in a humble way, deciding that he did not have enough talents and virtues to warrant mass grieving. He wanted to prevent the costs of his funeral from draining the treasury and exhausting his people. Heordered that his funerary rites be simplified. I think this is not so easy. Even nowadays, many funerals are extravagant. Eulogy is indispensable too, especially for those who have power and resources. The main political thought in Emperor Wen of Han is from Huang-Lao Daoism which is Wu wei (means non-action or non-doing), a quiet and simple way of governance. In the period of Emperor Wu of Han, Confucianism was revered the dominant ideology. Confucianism has become the mainstream in the next thousand years. However, I am interested in Huang-Lao Daoism. Probably this philosophy of negation can bring unexpected inspirations to people who are living in the capitalist society which focuses on material gains. I hope I can learn more about Huang-Lao Daoism.