A New Year's Greeting Card for the Year of the Rabbit
I remember how last year's Year of the Tiger card took a month to draw since I lacked basic artistic skills and it took a lot of time to achieve realistic 3D animal fur, so I felt exhausted by the project. I did not anticipate how this year's rabbit card would require even more time and effort. I went through the process of communicating with a printer many times before the finally project was completed, and both light and dark versions of this card were printed.
However, I later found out this was not a good posture for a rabbit, so I changed my mind and drew a standing rabbit that looked proud and held a temari handball.I added more personal memories to this year's painting.For example, a little parrot "Pepe" is standing behind the rabbit displaying a “victory sign.” Furthermore, the pink temari handball was chosen by my mother. The New Year’s greeting card also had fortunate meanings.
The temari handball symbolizes a lucky present that makes one happy.
The floating plum flowers and the carpet with the lines of ocean waves have special symbolism.
Another thing I tried for the first time was making a little spring festival picture. I feel thankful towards my colleague who was so sweet to give me a little couplet of budgerigars.It inspired me to make my own version and give it to the students. Thus, I hope the adorable animals I drew will accompany me in welcoming a New Year full of hope.

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